Boss Fight Changes
on December 20, 2020 9:54:02am,
by [P.G]
In the interest of creating a fair and fun event for all players involved in our Santa Christmas event we've introduced some changes:
- A single player is only allowed to create a group every 30 minutes.
- The creator / leader of the group has a higher chance of getting a rarer item then the participating members.
Also note the shady stranger is only able to sell so many tokens per day, so stock up fast over rollover so you don't get disappointed. You're also able to find tokens in the following places:
- One free token for the event claimable from the Cell page
- Searching the Prison Yard
- Daily Visits
- Persuading your cell mates to give you them for no good reason
I hope you'll all reconsider your kindness during these times and demand your tokens back! Happy boss battling.