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The New Year is upon us!

on December 30, 2024 7:21:50pm, by [P.G] SmoothCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom Star 

The New Year's event will be here in just a few hours! Here's what we added!

  • Increased the Event duration from 1 day to 2 days. 
  • Added daily visit rewards for the event.
    • Day 1: 5 Party Balloons
    • Day 2: 10 Champagne Bottles

Changes to Guard Murphy: 

  • Added Red, Yellow, and Blue Stockings to the loot pool with much higher rates than Christmas due to the shorter event.
  • Added Efficiency Farming 1 and 2.
  • Removed Entry Fee from Murphy for New Year's. 
  • Removed Christmas Cookie Ingredients due to releasing them on Christmas Instead (Cookies itself will still be in the loot pool).
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