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New day, New Clues!

on May 22, 2023 7:05:49pm, by [P.G] SmoothCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom Star

Happy Monday!  Great to see how competitive the 6-star inmates are on the Warden’s Watchlist.  The current standings are as follows: 

Shank [40] & C00nt [134], with four gold medals

Peanuts [1180] & Brown [93], with two gold medals

Once five gold medals are earned and the rest of the tasks are finished-  the first team to escape will receive two Ultimate Training Packs! One per person. 

We also have some fun content for you guys!  We have implemented two new loot pools with clues and added additional rewards to the existing ones!  2 new clue riddles have also been added, along with a super juicy prize for one, if you’re lucky.  

Be on the lookout for new clues/loot in the coming weeks!