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Major's November State of Play

on November 15, 2022 2:03:18pm, by [P.G] SmoothCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom StarCustom Star

Goooood afternoon inmates and welcome to another edition of Major’s State of Play!

We have some exciting news about upcoming changes and projects currently in development. As we transition from Halloween into Thanksgiving we’re looking forward to turkey, stuffing, and desserts in all forms!

To celebrate this year we are proud to announce our newest tradition. Our Thanksgiving Event

Chef Dion has heard the uproar from prisoners all across the yard, that his market is less than ideal. Well, he's taking matters into his own hands. During the event Chef Dion, will be defending his kitchen from would-be pantry thieves. Do you dare take on the new Chef in town and claim some new ingredients for yourself? Or do you go back to eating roaches off the floor?

We are very excited to announce that the new Upgrade Store is coming, along with some major changes (no pun intended).

To begin, the upgrade store page will now feature “Stamps”.

Stamps will be used to purchase items from the upgrade store. You can now purchase your bulk stamps and spend what you, want when you want. We have also trimmed the fat off the upgrade store to provide a more concise and informed shopping experience.

The Warden has been misplacing his office keys and they have since made their way into some store packs! Warden Keys will now be available in packs purchased in-store!

Calling all stamp collectors! There couldn't be a better time to get your collection started as we have our Annual and ONLY sale coming Black Friday! Prisoners can expect a hefty 20% off stamps sales from November 25th - 28th. Tiss the season of sales!

I am personally excited to announce this next one. GRADIENT NAMES! That's right we finally got em! You can now choose two colors with 4 shifting directions to help show off your style. I can't wait to see everyone’s creativity shine through their names! The gradient names will be releasing alongside the new Upgrade Store.

We also would like to mention a new Username Management System is coming, where you can select from previously approved usernames!

From your suggestions, we have been listening, and we have taken the time and given a good look over the books and their drop rates. We have since changed the frequency players will encounter these books to make these items more attainable.


I would like to take some time to personally thank everyone participating in the suggestion page, through you we can continue to develop the things most important to you, the player! -Major