February Dev Talk
on March 01, 2021 12:23:10pm, by [GP]
Attention Convicts! Another month passes by in our wonderful prisons, and we’ve made a ton of improvements over the month we want to share in this month’s Dev Talk. Keeping our prisons in tip-top shape is our number one priority, and we wanted to share the various improvements with our beloved inmates.
Valentines Day
Opening up my Love Emporium this year was probably one of my favorite events for Prison Struggle. It was interesting to watch the social dynamics of the event, especially as it was open for the entire game to take full advantage of. You can see a summary of the event in a previous announcement.
Streamlining Support
Here at Prison Struggle, gameplay defines your experience. To make this experience better, we’ve updated our processes when sending a PM to an Admin a player will be given a prompt to submit a ticket. We like this change because it allows us to make sure that we can see any ongoing issues with full visibility.
Hate Bar
The Hate Bar was one of the trickier issues we’ve come across. After getting Sir Baz through the reset first we believed all was fixed, and with each attempt at the reset, an issue would arise preventing the player from being able to fill the Hate Bar. This was due to the riot not resetting correctly once players had escaped. We also fixed another bug where the Hate Bar was not decaying over time as originally intended.
4th Reset
With inmates reaching the 4th reset quite a few things were missing from the game to allow the reset to function properly. 15 guards were added to the game, they should only be viewable once you’re attempting the 4th reset.
Gang Wars
There were several occurrences of Gang Wars being bugged who should not have been eligible for gang wars had points that were scored against them. This has been fixed and now only players that meet the requirements will be allowed to be hit for points.
Prison Bus
With a change to the cost of traveling between the prisons, the value was not properly reflected on the page.
Gang Profile Page
A couple of inmates noticed that their gang profiles were not formatting correctly, this was due to improper spacing and has been fixed. So go ahead and create your masterpieces for your gangs!
Hall of Fame / Cell Page
All inmates like to track their progress and see how they stack up against each other. There were a couple of differences in the information displayed on the Hall of Fame through the city page and the rank displayed on your Cell page. This issue sprung up because we removed inmates in solitary confinement (banned) and guards.
Referral System
We had a couple of instances of referrals not being properly credited through the automation system. To make sure that everyone is being fairly compensated for their referrals this has now been fixed.
Special Names
Seeing all of the artsy names that bring all of the colors to Prison Struggle is awesome. Now there is an updated page that will show you all the people with image names in the game! You can view everyone with special names here. We also have made changes to the way the game processes the image names in events and other circumstances so your custom name displays more frequently.
Point Cost in Personal Shops
We adjusted how much points can be sold for in player-owned shops. Jobs in Prison Struggle payout points depending on the value of points in Prison Struggle as a way to maintain inflation. The adjustment we ended up making increases the price limit for the points a small amount over time.
We love working on the game and making sure you miscreants are taken care of, almost as much as you all love the prison gruel that is served every day. Remember you are here forever.